We are having a great Pajama Day! Much Gratitude to DJ Gavin Roy for being a fabulous lunch DJ and Mr. Sullberg, Ms. Larsen and Mr. Calderon for preparing a great BBQ lunch for us all. I'm beyond grateful for our supportive community and joyful students! #ColdSpringSchool
7 months ago, Amy Alzina
Dance party
Gavin Roy Productions
Pajama Day
Dancing Students
We had a great conversation with Assemblyman Gregg Hart about maintaining local control for school districts. His commitment to public service and education, plus his background work with former state superintendent of instruction Jack O'Connell, is truly appreciated.
7 months ago, Amy Alzina
Assemblyman Hart
MUS and Cold Spring Admin Team
Wow! We had such great attendance during today's Parent Professional Development with Dr. Brooke Sears. Dr. Sears spent the morning helping us all better understand how to parent and support our children. I have attached a list of resources she shared with the group. They include a recommended reading list for students and adults, a coping strategies list, and strategies for reversing the cycle of anxiety. I'm looking forward to our next Parent Professional Development with Dr. Rosy Bucio, Santa Barbara County Special Education Behavior Specialist, on November 13th at 8:25 AM. Dr. Bucio will be presenting on "Anxiety and How to Successfully Monitor you Child's Technology use at home."
7 months ago, Amy Alzina
Dr. Brooke Sears
Anxiety cycle
Coping Strategies
Anxiety resource
Today was a special day at the Cold Spring School District as Dr. Susan Salcido, SB County Superintendent of Schools, visited every classroom to engage with students and staff. Her relationship-driven approach to teaching and learning transcends throughout Santa Barbara County.
7 months ago, Amy Alzina
Dr. Salcido and Dr. Alzina
Dr. Salcido Visits Students
Dr. Salcido Visits Students
Dr. Salcido visits staff
Cold Spring School is grateful to be a part of the Grand Opening Montecito Pavilions Ceremony this morning. Their generous $5,000 donation will support Project Based Learning. We are working together to ensure Excellence in Education for All! #Grateful#CommunityPartnership
7 months ago, Amy Alzina
$5,000 donation
Ribbon Cutting Ceremony
Thank you!
I LOVE watching our teachers build inclusive classrooms! #community
8 months ago, Amy Alzina
Inclusive Classroom
Happy First Day of School from the Cold Spring School District!
9 months ago, Amy Alzina
Happy First Day of School!
Happy first day
Amber first day
Welcome back to School. The Cold Spring School District is excited to welcome all our students back for the 2023-2024 School Year. School starts promptly at 8:25 AM, tomorrow, August 17. https://youtu.be/JyR0qVhjudI
9 months ago, Amy Alzina
Grateful to have volunteer support from our local junior high and high school students. They did a fantastic job painting the Cold Spring Gazebo.
9 months ago, Amy Alzina
Gia - Painting
Cole Painting
Simon Painting
Please join our Cold Spring Campus Beautification Day on Saturday, August 5th from 9AM-12PM! I'm excited to work together to ensure our children start the school year with a beautiful campus! I can't wait to see you there!
9 months ago, Amy Alzina
Beautification Day Iinformation
Beautification Day Informational Flier
We are looking for a few High School students to help us paint the Cold Spring Gazebo starting tomorrow. Please contact Cold Spring School, if your student would like to earn a few community service volunteer hours by painting the Gazebo.
9 months ago, Amy Alzina
Volunteer Opportunity
The Cold Spring School District Governing Board and Chief Business Officer did an excellent job representing the District at the Small School Districts' Association Leadership Summit in Newport Beach on July 23-25. Our success as a school district is due in large part to our unity of purpose. President Michael Marino, Vice President Trevor Pattison, and Former President Jennifer Miller presented two separate sessions to new superintendent and to veteran superintendents on effective school district governance. Our Chief Business Officer, Yuri Calderon, presented two separate session on effective small school budgeting. The combined presentations are fulfilling our vision of ensuring that every child, gets every opportunity to be successful every day, throughout the State of California.
10 months ago, Amy Alzina
SSDA Leadership Summit
School Board, Yuri and Amy
Unity of Purpose
I’m incredibly proud of our District and Montecito community! Together, we built a school kitchen for our children. This project was make possible because of the exceptional facilities leadership from Yuri Calderon, equipment donations from the San Ysidro Ranch and Jordano’s, and endless support from the Governing Board. Our school kitchen is an extraordinary example of excellence in public education with community support!
10 months ago, Amy Alzina
Kitchen Ribbon Cutting Ceremony
Family Dinner
Grateful to live in the land of opportunity and represent the Cold Spring community with my family and Santa Barbara City College Trustee, Dr. Charlotte Gullap-Moore, in the Montecito 4th of July Parade. Happy Birthday, America!
10 months ago, Amy Alzina
Amy, Jim, and Jack Alzina
SBCC Trustee, Dr. Charlotte Gullap-Moore
The Cold Spring second-grade summer school students are having a blast learning how to sew with Mrs. Schaupeter!
11 months ago, Amy Alzina
The Cold Spring teachers and students are rocking the first week of our Summer School program with lots of hands-on projects (Skateboard Build, Knitting, Sign Language, Water Color Art, Kazoos and more...).
11 months ago, Amy Alzina
Skateboard Build
Sign Language
You know the Cold Spring School District is approaching the last day of school when it's Beach Day!
11 months ago, Amy Alzina
Beach Day
Beach Day
Beach Day
The Cold Spring School 6th Grade Presents...Newsies! Join us tonight at 6PM for the BEST Show of the Year!
11 months ago, Amy Alzina
Congratulations to the Cold Spring fourth, fifth, and sixth-grade math Super Bowl teams for their outstanding achievements today! Placing 4th in the combined overall grade level category is a remarkable accomplishment!
11 months ago, Amy Alzina
4th Place
Congratulations Mathematicians
Math Super Bowl
Congratulations to the Track and Field Athletes from Santa Barbara Unified, Montectio Union and Cold Spring School Districts! Together, we are closing the opportunity gap! https://www.noozhawk.com/peabody-charter-triumphs-at-all-schools-track-and-field-meet/
12 months ago, Amy Alzina
Cold Spring female athletes