McCann Family

About the Foundation...

COLD SPRING SCHOOL FOUNDATIONThe Cold Spring School Foundation was established in 1980 in response to Serrano/Priest and Proposition 13 State Legislation. Combined with declining school enrollment, Cold Spring School was left with one of the lowest ADA's (translate, "funding status") in Santa Barbara County. In response to these monetary constraints, the Foundation was originally established to raise funding for art, music, and library resources. Computer technology has become an additional beneficiary of this funding, as has Physical Education.

In addition to annual fund-raising events, the Foundation, as a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt educational institution, also serves as the channel for various funds raised for specific endeavors such as the construction of the school library.

The Cold Spring School Foundation is charged with raising money to fund annual grant requests from the School Board. The Foundation supplements funding for staffing and instruction in the arts, music, drama, library, STEAM, and technology programs as a complement to the core subjects.


Thank you for your Support!

Dear Parents and Community Members,

Cold Spring School continues to be ranked as a top School District in the State of California for its Academic Excellence in Education!  It’s our outstanding teachers and staff, parents, and community partnerships who work together to provide an outstanding learning environment that makes Cold Spring School truly special!

Cold Spring School has created a learning environment that encourages self-discovery with multiple hands-on learning opportunities.   The committed teachers and staff are constantly striving to identify and support each child’s Passion by offering a comprehensive core program that incorporates Art, Physical Education, Music and Theatre, Technology, and Design/Engineering.

Together, we are working to ensure every student leaves sixth grade with a desire to “make a difference in our world” by following his/her Passion. We are empowering every student by encouraging him or her to think differently about the world we live in through these comprehensive enrichment programs.

These enrichment programs would not be available without the financial support and involvement of the parents and the community as all of these enrichment programs are supported by parent and community contributions made through the Cold Spring School Foundation.

I am thankful to be leading a community that believes we can make the world a better place by supporting the creativity and innovation inside each one of our children.  Thank you for your continued support!

 Dr. Amy M. Alzina



project based learning




growth mindset

Our Current Foundation Board Members

Melissa McCann President

Melissa McCann


Melissa McCann was born and raised in Santa Barbara. She was an elementary school teacher for 10 years prior to becoming a mother of 3. Her oldest, Charlie, is currently a 1st grader at Cold Spring.

Shannon Montanero Director

Shannon Montanaro

Vice President 

Shannon Montanaro has a 9 year old daughter, Alexis, who is a 4th grader at Cold Spring School. Shannon has been a Foundation Director since 2021. 

Lenci Bakey Treasurer

Lenci Bakey


Lenci Bakey was raised in Santa Barbara. She has 2 children currently at Cold Spring in 2nd and 4th Grade. She comes to the board with a wealth of project management experience. 

Brooke Costello Vice President

Brooke Costello

Director and Co-Parent Club President 

Brooke Costello is a Cold Spring Alumna. She has 3 young children. Her oldest, Thomas is a 1st grader at Cold Spring. 

Zoe Copus Parent Club President

Zoe Copus

Director and Co-Parent Club President 

Zoe Copus was a former PreSchool teacher prior to becoming a mom of 3.  Her older 2 are at Cold Spring in grades 1st and 3rd. Her youngest will begin the 2023-2024 school year.

Ann Pattison Director and Parent Club Treasurer

Ann Pattison

Director and Parent Club Treasurer

Ann is a mother of 2 children. Both are at Cold Spring School. She has been on Parent Club for over 4 years. 

Patrick Costello Director

Patrick Costello


Patrick Costello is a father of 3 kids. His oldest is in 1st Grade. He currently serves as the Chief Development Officer for a Primary Care organization and joins the board with a background in Private Equity investing and Corporate Development.

Gavin Roy Director

Gavin Roy


Gavin Roy has 2 children at Cold Spring School. He is incredibly active in our community as our premier DJ rocking Sant Barbara for the last couple decades. 

Meagan Stirling


Diane Morgan


Diane Morgan is a former Cold Spring Parent. Her 3 children are grown, yet she still finds time to invest in Cold Spring and our current Cold Spring community. 

Jason Copus


Erika Easter


Mike Marino


Diane Morgan is a former Cold Spring Parent. Her 3 children are grown, yet she still finds time to invest in Cold Spring and our current Cold Spring community. 

Trevor Pattison

Board Member Liaison

Amy Alzina Superintendent

Amy Alzina

Cold Spring Superintendent/Principal