
Cold Spring School District is committed to continuing the work conducted by its teachers in the preparation of curriculum, design of instructional lessons, and development of engaging delivery of cognitively rich and challenging content that is accessible by all students including English learners, children living in poverty, advanced learners and students with disabilities. The students at Cold Spring School District continue to perform in the top tier on the CAASPP in both English Language Arts and Mathematics. The high summative test scores can be attributed to teachers using their formative assessment data to monitor and adjust their instruction daily. The superintendent/principal progress monitors with teachers, students, and parents to ensure all students make substantial progress toward meeting their quarterly benchmark goals and strive to improve. Students are aware of their learning trajectory as teachers give all students a copy of their Renaissance Learning STAR Reading and STAR Math baseline and benchmark growth report. The entire school community is committed to having a systematic approach to teaching and learning, which continues to result in high student learning outcomes.


The Local Control and Accountability Plan or LCAP is a critical part of California’s new Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF). It is a three-year, district-level plan that is updated annually. The plan describes the school district’s key goals for students as well as the specific actions (with expenditures) the district will take to achieve the goals and the means (metrics) used to measure progress.

The LCAP addresses the needs of all students, including specific student groups, and all districts must specifically address English learners, foster youth, and low-income students. In addition, the LCAP must address the state of California's eight priority areas including student academic achievement, school climate, student access to a broad curriculum, and parent engagement. To read the 2024-2027 Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP) click here. 

LCAP Links

LCAP Community Survey Results

LCAP Community Survey Results

California Dashboard

The California Dashboard is an online tool designed to help communities across the state access important information about K-12 districts and schools. The Dashboard features easy-to-read reports on multiple measures of school success. The Dashboard is just one step in a series of major shifts in public education, changes that have raised the bar for student learning, transformed testing and increased the focus on equity. To read the California Dashboard click here.